These are static images users can set as backgrounds and/or lock-screens on their devices.
To upload a new Wallpaper image:
- From your Artist page, click the + icon button to add content in the Wallpapers section.
- Click “Choose files” on the screen that appears.
- Navigate to the location on your computer where you have stored the files you wish to upload.
- Select one or multiple files, then click “Open.”
- Wallpapers need to be JPG files and should be at least 2880 pixels high x 1620 pixels wide.
Any files that are not in the proper format will display with a red exclamation mark in the Upload window and will fail to upload. - All others will upload, and can now be managed by clicking the “Edit” button.
To add or edit metadata and monetization options for any Wallpaper image:
- From your Artist page, click the “Edit” button in the Wallpapers section
- Your most recently uploaded images will appear at the top of the sort list.
- You can change the sort order by clicking “Sorting” in the upper left hand corner.
- You can filter your list of Wallpapers to display only active, or only inactive images, by clicking “Filter.”
- You can search for a specific image by entering its name in the search field.
- To edit the settings for any image, click its thumbnail.
Item Details screen
- You can see the current monetization options and other details about the wallpaper here. Note that all items you upload are set to locked and placed behind rewarded videos by default.
- To change those settings or any others, click the Edit button.
- Title: click this field to edit the image name. Since space is limited on mobile devices, it’s best to keep your titles brief.
- Lock: uncheck this box if you want the digital image to be available for free. Leave it checked if you want to earn money whenever users unlock it.
- Unlock options: If you lock an image, you currently have a choice between two different ways to earn money when users unlock it:
- Watch a video: If you select this option, users must watch a 10 to 30 second video ad in order to download your image. You will receive 70% of that day’s ad rate each time a user does so (see this article for more information on ad revenue).
- Pay with credits: If you prefer to set a specific price users must pay to unlock your image, select this option, then enter a price in U.S. dollars and cents. Note that we translate the price you enter here into Zedge Credits, our virtual currency, in the app, as we also give users lots of ways to earn free credits. Whether they pay for their credits or earn them for free, you will always receive 70% of whatever price you enter here when users unlock the image
- A note on pricing strategy: you will see far more downloads from items placed behind rewarded videos, but you might earn more total revenue by pricing your content. Our most successful artists offer users a mix: a few free items, some behind rewarded videos, and some priced. Most artists have been pricing their content anywhere from 25 cents to $10.00. Every dollar = 1,000 Zedge Credits, so if you price your item at $0.99, it will display in the app as costing 990 Zedge Credits.
- Tags: Click this field to enter any terms people might use to search for images like this one. Separate each term with a comma.
- External ID: If your item has an ID it uses outside of Zedge (such as an ISRC for audio recordings), you can enter it here to reconcile your royalty statement from Zedge with your own internal systems.
- Save: Don’t forget to click the Save button after entering or changing any info above.
- Show item in App: Switch this toggle once you’re ready to publish the image to the Zedge app.
- Delete: If you wish to remove an image from the tool entirely (as opposed to simply making it inactive in the app), click this button and hit confirm.
- Replace Image: You can replace an image while keeping all its other settings the same. To do so, click the Replace Image link and follow the instructions.