So you want to create your own art?
ZEDGES' AI Generator takes your words, and turns it into an image that you can use as a wallpaper, or download to keep for yourself or your friends.
If you are new to this, we're here to help. It may seem daunting to start but you'll very quickly pick it up and be creating your own masterpieces in no time.
AI Generator works by taking the words you enter in, along with a style of your choice, and generates an image based on these values. The image is 100% unique and generated on-the-fly, so no two creations are the same!
To help you get started with have made some suggestions in case you have writers block!
- A spooky skull
- Hooded alien creature
- Semi-abstract wavy lines
- Cinematic fantasy landscape
We made some styles for you to use that have a significant impact on how your image will look.The AI Generator works best if you add more details. The more words you use, the more you get from the creation. It's not essential, but it can really help.
Creator: SG_161222